Presenter, 2007
“I want my work to be about the people and places that I love, in all their complexity…and the hope is that it will have a universal resonance in spite of being so personal. To that end, I’m not afraid to use lyricism, romance and intimacy which, like venom to the snake-handlers, offer terrible risk but also a ticket to transcendence.” —Sally Mann
Sally Mann’s LOOK3 exhibit was shown at Second Street Gallery in 2007, titled The Given: Studio Work by Sally Mann. She also gave a talk at the Paramount Theater.
Sally Mann lives and works in Lexington, Virginia, where she was born in 1951.
One of America’s most renowned photographers, she has exhibited work around the world and was designated “America’s Best Photographer” in 2001 by Time.
Mann has won numerous awards, including three National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships, the Century Award from the Museum of Photographic Arts and a Guggenheim Fellowship. Her work is housed in numerous public and private collections including The Museum of Modern Art, the Whitney Museum of American Art, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, and The National Museum of Modern Art, in Tokyo.
In 2002, two documentaries about her work aired on PBS; a feature length film, What Remains, debuted at the 2006 Sundance Film Festival and will air on HBO in 2007.
She has published seven monographs, among them Immediate Family, a series of startlingly intimate images of her three children, and Deep South, a compilation of her haunting and otherworldly landscape imagery.
She works almost exclusively in large format, most recently employing the wet-plate collodion process.
“Few photographers of any time or place have matched Sally Mann’s steadiness of simple eyesight, her serene technical brilliance and the clearly communicated eloquence she derives from her subjects, human and otherwise-subjects observed with an ardor that is all but indistinguishable from love.” —Reynolds Price, in Time magazine.